art fight 2024


guess who's doing art fight this year? that's right. me.

after joining team werewolf last year and contributing absolutely nothing, i'd thought it would be fun to... y'know. actually make some attacks this year.

here's my art fight profile in case you want to attack me. i'm on team seafoam this year. good luck to everyone playing!!

mobile site bug fixes


hi there again! i thought i was incredibly intelligent when making this site and turns out there were a lot of bugs that my file editor didn't catch! woops!

anyways, the site should work properly now, both on desktop and mobile. sorry about that!

official site launch!


hi there! if you're reading this, then you've made it to the very beginning of this website's history! welcome! this is my blog page where i'll post... things!

in full honesty, i'm not sure what i'm going to do with this blog yet. maybe i'll post important life updates, maybe i'll post art on here as i make it. who knows! anyways, i'm glad you've come to visit little ol me :]